Tuition and Fees

Tuition is set annually by the Florida Legislature, with additional local and university fees set by the Florida State University Board of Trustees and the Florida Board of Governors. You can find regulatory references for tuition and fee assessment through:

The following rate tables apply to the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change based on legislative and internal policy change. 

Some courses are assessed additional costs for online fees, labs, materials and supplies, and general cost recovery. For a full list of these courses and costs, download the Additional Cost File here. 

Tuition Rates

Traditional Academic Programs

Campus/Program Career In-State Rate
per credit hour
Out-of-State Rate
per credit hour
Tuition Breakdown PDF
Main Campus Undergraduate $215.55 $721.10 Download PDF
Main Campus Graduate $479.32 $1,110.72 Download PDF
Panama City Campus Undergraduate $180.49 $686.04 Download PDF
Panama City Campus Graduate $444.26 $1,075.66 Download PDF
Sarasota Campus Undergraduate $182.30 $687.85 Download PDF
Sarasota Campus Graduate $446.07 $1,077.47 Download PDF
Distance Learning* Undergraduate $180.49 $686.04 Download PDF
Distance Learning* Graduate $444.26 $1,075.66 Download PDF
College of Law - Main J.D./LL.M./J.M. $688.11 $1,355.18 Download PDF
College of Law - Online J.M. / LL.M. $653.05 $1,320.12 Download PDF
Republic of Panama Undergraduate $300.00 $300.00 Fee Breakdown
Republic of Panama Graduate $400.00 $400.00 Fee Breakdown

*Distance Learning academic programs are offered through academic departments as fully-online programs of study. These rates are unique to programs offered fully online through the Office of Distance Learning, not programs which are generally offered online separate from a distance learning academic program. These rates do not include pricing for courses coded non-fundable or market rate, which are variable based on academic program of study.

For more information on Distance Learning Academic Programs, please visit the Distance Learning webpage.

To learn more about graduate admissions and graduate funding opportunities, please visit the Graduate Admissions webpage

Special Medical Programs

Campus/Program Cohort In-State Rate
per semester
Out-of-State Rate
per semester
Tuition Breakdown PDF
Nurse Anesthesia - Panama City All Cohorts $9,500.44 $9,500.44 Download PDF
Physician Assistant - Main Campus All Cohorts $10,467.68 $13,967.68 Download PDF

College of Medicine

Campus/Program Cohort In-State Rate Out-of-State Rate Tuition Breakdown PDF
Medicine - Main Year 1 (>6 Hours) $8,536.86
per semester
per semester
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Medicine - Main Year 2 (>6 Hours) $12,805.30
per semester
per semester
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Medicine - Main Year 3&4 (>6 Hours) $8,536.87
per semester
per semester
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Medicine - Main All Years (<6 Hours) $479.32
per credit hour
per credit hour
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Academic Program Specific Fees

Program Fee Description Per Semester Rate
All Media Production Majors Media Production Equipment Fee $113.00
All Medical Students Medical Equipment Fee $345.00
All Music Majors Music Equipment Fee $350.00
All College of Motion Picture Arts Majors Film Equipment Fee $350.00
Undergraduate Nursing Majors Nursing Equipment Fee $310.00
DNP Psychiatric/Mental Health Majors Nursing Equipment Fee $25.00
DNP Family Nurse Practitioner Majors Nursing Equipment Fee $100.00
DNP Acute Care Majors Nursing Equipment Fee $200.00
All Art Majors Art Equipment Fee $125.00
All Art History Majors Art History Equipment Fee $80.00
All Undergraduate Dance Majors Dance Equipment Fee $125.00
All Interior Design Majors Interior Design Equipment Fee $135.00
All Theatre Majors Theatre Equipment Fee $115.00